Ignore these 4 Key Steps to Losing Weight and You’ll Have a Hard Time Burning Fat!

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Alex Ragner

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Curious about the specific steps to losing weight that you must take to ensure your success?

You’ve probably heard this before: failing to plan is planning to fail. Or, to quote Cervantes, to be prepared is half the victory.

As with anything else you want to accomplish, your chances of success losing weight are dramatically increased when you prepare ahead.

So if you tried to lose weight before but couldn’t, if you got a lot of resistance to burn the fat, it’s really NOT because this diet or the other haven’t worked. It’s rather because you’ve skipped certain steps to losing weight.

So if you skipped the basics that help you get off the weight easier and more effectively, here’s what to consider before starting any weight loss plan:

1. Go through a Medical Checkup

To make sure there aren’t any issues that could make you unable to lose weight, a medical checkup would address your cardiovascular health, blood sugar levels and should include a candida overgrowth test. Also, a thyroid test – especially if you have a sluggish metabolism.


After the tests are done, take them to a licensed nutritionist for personalized recommendations of vitamins and supplements you should take.

Why a nutritionist and not your family doctor?

Well, believe it or not, nutritionists almost always have more updated information on specific nutritional needs and the required weight loss supplements than general physicians.

2. Do a Weight Loss Cleanse

A weight loss cleanse (or detox) is especially helpful if you feel sluggish, bloated, weighed down by life, or struggle with chronic stress and food cravings.

A whole body cleanse helps you eliminate fat-binding toxins, which enter your body every single day… These toxins keep you from burning fat big time! This is one of the foundational steps to losing weight effectively.

What toxins, you ask?

Well, believe it or not, we are the first generation to be exposed to so many dangerous chemicals in the everyday environment. Plus, various parasites, bacteria in our food, air and water overload all the internal organs, impairing our metabolism and hindering any weight loss efforts.

As long as you haven’t done a weight loss cleanse you’ll have a very hard time burning the fat. Even if you lose some weight in the beginning, you’ll gain it all back even faster than you’ve lost it.


Because your body protects itself by using fat cells to isolate the toxins and to prevent them from circulating throughout your system causing serious health issues.

Trust me, doing a whole body cleanse is one of the most important preparatory steps to losing weight. You don’t want to skip this.


If you’ve never done a weight loss cleanse before, or if you’ve tried one of those 3-Day or 5-Day “magic-formula” detox products and haven’t got the expected results, you may want to take a look at the Total Wellness Cleanse program.

I love this natural and gentle detox for several reasons: it’s a great energy booster, it completely eliminates food cravings, comes with over 100 yummy recipes, step-by-step instructions and tons of support.


The next foundational step to losing weight is…

3. Boosting Your Weight Loss Motivation

 Believe it or not, nothing will stop you in adopting the needed lifestyle changes as long as you get clear about and connect emotionally with your WHY – your own, personal, most important reasons to lose weight.

Is it to improve your looks, or for a special occasion?

Is it to gain others’ approval, admiration, or love?

Perhaps you’d like to increase your overall health level?

Or maybe you want to become a great role model for your family…


Whatever your reason, focusing on what really motivates you creates a powerful energy that pulls you ahead.

So remember this. One of the most important things when trying to lose weight and getting back in shape is boosting your motivation to lose weight.

4. Get the Basics

The last one among the preliminary steps to losing weight is going over the basics: failproof tips for losing weight. If getting the weight off is now an awful struggle, this list will give you the answers you are looking for – an easy-to-remember A-B-C formula to knowing exactly what to expect and how to prepare ahead.

Don’t make the mistake of ignoring these 4 important steps to losing weight, or you’ll have a hard time staying on any weight loss program, burning fat and getting the weight off.

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